Professional Development Opportunities
Following are links to sites that offer qualified training in a variety of areas including: health and safety, safe sleep, SIDS and nutrition. Many of these sites offer online training at no cost, some will have a minimal charge.
Kansas Childcare Training Opportunity
Please call 800-227-3578 or email-, the KCCTO office with any questions. KCCTO I 2323 ANDERSON AVE. I SUITE 151 I MANHATTAN, KS I 66502
KCCTO has Scholarships Available!
CDA Scholarship
Progression of Professional Development Scholarships
Child Care Aware of Kansas
Child Care Aware of Kansas Online Learning programs have courses available for busy early childhood professionals. Courses are designed so child care professionals can complete annual training requirements for Licensure, complete the training requirement of the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or training hours needed for the CDA credential renewal. We offer trainings using three different methods.
1.Child Care Aware of Kansas Online Learning offers a pre-service learning experience for all child care providers anytime, any place, at their pace. Learn more here. To register for courses click here.
2. Child Care Aware of Kansas Online Interactive option offers a virtual online live classroom opportunity. You can log in to a live classroom from anywhere, while still experiencing all the benefits of a traditional classroom setting. Watch your instructor present the material and participate in class discussions in real time. Check out our online calendar to find out when our next class is. Search "Online Training".
3.Child Care Aware of Kansas offers traditional face to face trainings statewide. To find a class near you check out our online calendar and search "Classroom Training"
For your convenience, Child Care Aware of Kansas has a Professional Development Plan template to help as you advance your skills and education. It is available here.
McCormick Center
The McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership is dedicated to improving the quality of early learning programs through professional development, research and evaluation, and public awareness. We are driven to promote greater understanding of the critical role of early childhood leaders in the provision of quality services for children and families.
Family Conservancy
Providers on both sides of the state line can take advantage of our self-paced On-Demand Online Classes. To learn more, please click on the link, or call 913-742-4113.
Kansas Children's Service League
The combination of passion and compassion for serving children and families is simply not enough to navigate the complexities of the social service world. KCSL's training department is committed to developing and honing the skills of the dedicated professionals desiring to increase their effectiveness in serving families and children.
KCSL conducts quality training opportunities for professionals, foster parents and adoptive parents by offering both traditional classroom settings as well as the most up to date online learning opportunities. Course topics are developed in collaboration with those most concerned with the practical implementation of the skills. Incorporating the most current research and innovative theories is an integral component to training design.
Institute of Child Nutrition
The Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), part of the School of Applied Sciences at The University of Mississippi, is the only federally funded national center dedicated to applied research, education and training, and technical assistance for child nutrition programs. The Institute was established by Congress in the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 1989.
Penn State - Better Kid Care
Providers on both sides of the state line can take advantage of our self-paced On-Demand Online Classes. To learn more, please click on the link, or call 913-742-4113.
American Red Cross
From First Aid and CPR training, to Lifeguard and EMT certification, the American Red Cross has the emergency health and safety training and certification options available to suit your employee’s needs. Our trained solution specialists can custom tailor a program specifically around your organization. Learn more about all of our comprehensive courses, with online, blended simulation learning, and in-person options, as well as all of the latest learning tools and resources available in the United States today.
American Heart Association
Our network of authorized AHA Training Centers and Instructors offer in-person classroom training and skills sessions. Schedule training, find contact information, or see course options for your local Training Center with our online tools.
The KITS project is designed to provide a training and resource system for early intervention networks and early childhood special education program staff through collaborative training and technical assistance activities on a comprehensive statewide basis.
Links to Quality is a child care quality recognition and improvement system (QRIS) created with the support of early childhood organizations across the state and led by the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF). A QRIS is a process to observe, assess, improve and recognize the quality of child care programs. A QRIS defines quality indicators and provides a framework for child care programming. In Kansas, our QRIS is now Links to Quality. This state-wide system was designed to promote the strengths child care providers bring to their work every day. In our system, providers can earn Quality Recognition Links to show the quality of their practice and highlight their strengths in the following areas:
Program Leadership
Family Partnerships
Learning and Development
Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas
Child Care Aware® of Eastern Kansas helps people find solutions for their child care needs; connects families and expecting mothers with helpful information and community resources; and assists early learning programs with their services to children and families. Anyone can take advantage of the many services available. With a few exceptions, our services are at no cost.
Child Start
Early Childhood Connections, a licensed Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) serves child care professionals in 5 Kansas counties: Butler, Cowley, Harvey, Sedgwick, and Sumner. We also service this area known as Child Care Aware Region Two. Technical assistance, trainings and resources are provided to caregivers in an effort to build the skills and knowledge needed to provide high quality environments for young children.
The Care Courses School Inc.
We offer early childhood (ECE) training that has helped thousands of early childhood professionals get their CDA (Child Development Associates Credential) as quickly and painlessly as possible, while at the same time helping them better understand their children and business.