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Provider Appreciation
Provider Appreciation Day is a special day in May to recognize child care providers, teachers and other educators of young children everywhere.
Child care providers deserve a big “Thank you” for their dedication, commitment and compassion.
Provider Appreciation Day is appropriately celebrated each year on the Friday before Mother's Day.
This special day was established in 1995 by NAFCC as a way to thank family child care providers and center based providers and it is now celebrated throughout the United States.
Join us as we celebrate the family child care providers across the state that
make a difference in children's lives every day!
Social Media Badges and Facebook Cover
Share images on social media to show that you are
proud to be a family child care provider!
Right click on one of the badges below, then select "Save image as..." You will then be able to save the image to share on your social media, websites, and family newsletters.
You can also print the badges to hang in your program.
Use #CCPCOFKS #Familychildcare and #ProviderAppreciation on your social media to show us your badges!
Door Sign
Print off door sign and hang where your families can see.
You can also Right click on one of the badges below, then select "Save image as..." You will then be able to save the image to share on your social media, websites, and newsletters.
YOU deserved to be showered with love!
Click here for printable sign
Provider Appreciation Door Sign
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