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CCPC By Laws




Revised March 2012




The name of this organization shall be CHILD CARE PROVIDERS COALITION OF KANSAS, INC., hereafter referred to as “the Corporation” or “CCPC.”  The Corporation was formed on the 28th day of September 1996.  The geographic location of the Corporation shall be the state of Kansas.



The purpose of CCPC shall be:

1. To bring together family child care providers for communication, to support their needs as providers and to improve their knowledge and understanding through education by:

            A) promoting membership in CCPC and NAFCC (the National Association of Family Child Care).

            B) sending periodic mailings to CCPC members which includes educational materials and information helpful to new providers.

            C) promoting higher quality child care services in homes for all children.

            D) helping to stimulate provider interest in learning more about caring for children and initiating activities for their child care home.

            E) encouraging the study, interpretation and improvement of the education and general well being of young children.

            F) increasing awareness of resources relevant to the operation of a family child care home.

            G) sponsoring and/ or supporting workshops, training sessions, lectures, conferences, etc. that further educate child care providers.

            H) supporting and encouraging personal growth and development.

            I)  supporting other providers through mentoring.

2.  Encouraging persons to seek application to operate a child care facility. 

3.  Endeavor to educate the public about the importance of quality child care.

4.  Cooperate with other agencies and organizations interested in the welfare of young children and broaden community involvement.

5.  The Corporation shall be non-partisan, non-profit, and shall not be used for the dissemination of principles for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office.

6.  The Corporation may suggest and promote positive changes in and uphold the rules and regulations governing child care set by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) for the welfare of children.



1.  Anyone interested in promoting the purpose of CCPC may join upon payment of the annual dues.  Membership is open to all persons regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap.

2.  The categories of membership shall be Full, Supportive, Honorary, and Affiliate Organization membership.

            A) Full membership eligibility shall be: any Family or Group Child Care Provider in Kansas who are licensed by the State of Kansas to care for 12 children or less.

            B) Supportive membership shall be: open to any person not eligible for full membership as stated in Article III Section 2A.  Supportive members have no voting privileges and may not hold an office in the Corporation.  Supportive members are entitled to receive the bimonthly newsletter, Provider Exchange, and some limited benefits provided by the Bylaws and Policies of the Corporation, upon payment of the appropriate annual dues.  Supportive members are persons or groups interested in the welfare of children in child care.

            C) Honorary membership shall be: recipients of the Hunter Award.

3.  Affiliate Organization membership is open to any Family Child Care Organization upon payment of annual dues.

4.  Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors each year. A membership year is the 12-month period following the payment of  the annual dues. 



1.  Officers of the Corporation shall be: President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  President and President-Elect shall have served on the current Board for at least one year.  All officers shall maintain a current membership and be a current licensed child care provider.

2.  The duties of the officers shall be those outlined in the position description for each office and those specifically designated by the Bylaws and Policies of the Corporation.

3.  The term of each officer shall be two (2) years beginning September 1st of the election year.  The President and President-Elect may not succeed themselves except when appointed to fill an un-expired term created by a vacancy in office.  The President-Elect automatically becomes the next presidential nominee.

4.  The vacancy of an office, except in the case of President, a successor will be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board and shall extend until the end of the un-expired term.  A vacancy occurring in the Presidency, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the president for the remainder of the term and will then automatically become the next presidential nominee.

5.  The Officers of the Corporation will function as the Executive Committee of the Board.  As such, the Executive Committee may act for the Board between regular meetings.  Such action shall be reported to the Board at its next meeting.  The President may call Executive Committee meetings as necessary. 



1.  The voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers, the immediate Past-President and not fewer than 4 and not more than 10 Board Members-at-Large positions.

2.  The duties of the Board of Directors shall be those specifically designated by the Bylaws and Policies of the Corporation.   A Board of Directors member may be terminated by a three-fourths vote of the Board for insufficient performance of their duties.  Such vote shall be by written ballot.

 3.  The Corporation shall hold at least three (3) Board meetings and provide an Annual Report at the annual membership meeting  each fiscal year.  The Board shall have supervision, control, and direction of the affairs of the Corporation, shall determine its Policies and changes therein within the limits of the Bylaws, shall actively promote its purpose and show discretion in the disbursement of its funds.  It may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as shall be deemed advisable and may, in execution of the powers granted, appoint such agents, as it may consider necessary.

4.  If a vacancy occurs during the term of any Board member, such vacancy may  be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the Board for the unexpired term.

5.  The term of each Board member shall be two (2) years beginning September 1st, of the election year, and continuing through August 31st.  Board Members-at-Large may succeed themselves provided they are meeting the mandatory requirements set forth in the Bylaws and Policies of the Corporation.

6.  Elected members of the Board are expected to be actively involved in the governance of the organization.  This includes regularly attending board meetings, responding to all correspondence from the Executive Committee and other board members, serving on at least one committee, and attending the annual conference.  Any board member failing to meet these requirements will be asked to forfeit their place on the board.   

7.  A simple majority of the voting Board membership in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the businesses.



1.  Annually, at the first meeting following the fiscal year, the Board shall elect a nominating committee in accordance with the Corporation Bylaws and Policies. 

2.  The nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members recommended by the President and approved by the Board.  Candidates for the election may not serve on the committee.  At least one but not more than two members of the nominating committee will be a current member of the Board of Directors. 

3.  The nominating committee shall request nominations from the membership through publication in the Providers Exchange newsletter no later than the November issue.  The committee may recruit additional nominees from the organization’s membership, as needed, to fill the slate.  Every effort will be made to ensure board representation from across the state.

4.  The nominating committee shall present at least one (1) nominee for each office and at least one (1) nominee for each of the five (5) Member-at-Large positions in accordance with Corporation Bylaws and Policies.  All nominees shall have signified their willingness to accept the position if elected. 

5.  The nominating committee shall present a short description of the nominees, including their geographic location, qualifications and philosophy on child care, in the January issue of the Providers Exchange. 

6.  Elections shall be determined by a majority of the members voting at the election held at the annual membership meeting or by requesting an absentee ballot from the nominating committee chair 30 days prior to the meeting.  Absentee ballots must be completed, signed and dated, and mailed to the nominating committee chair at least 5 days prior to the membership meeting so that the ballot may be verified and included in the ballot count.   The current board shall break any ties.

7.  The term of the nominating committee shall be September 1st through August 31st.

8.  Each member with voting privileges as outlined in Article III, Section A, shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote during membership meetings and elections.



1.  The official newsletter of the Corporation shall be called the Providers Exchange.

2.  The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board.



1.  The President, with approval of the Board, shall appoint as many standing and special committees as determined necessary to fulfill the purpose of the Corporation.

2.  Each committee chairperson shall keep the Executive Officers current on its activities.  All committees shall function within the guidelines of the Bylaws of the Corporation.

3.  Committee chairpersons may succeed themselves as long as reappointed.

4.  Each committee member will receive a description of the goals and objectives upon being assigned or volunteering for a committee.



1.  The organization shall have an annual meeting of the membership each year for the purpose of electing directors and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting.  This meeting may take place at an annual conference or at another time designated by the organization’s Board of Directors.

2.  Written notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each member of CCPC at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting.

3.  Special meetings of the membership may be called by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  A special meeting shall be called by the President at the request of twenty-five percent of the membership of CCPC.  Notice of special membership meetings, stating the place, date and hour of the meeting and the purpose or purposes thereof, shall be mailed to each member of CCPC at least seven (7) days before the date of the meeting.



1.  The Board shall be empowered to establish, monitor and modify the Corporation budget and establish all dues and fees in accordance with Corporation Bylaws and Policies. 

2.  Annually, the Executive Committee shall prepare the budget.  The budget will be approved at the last business meeting of the fiscal year. The budget shall be published for the membership in the Providers Exchange newsletter. 

3.  Each year, the treasurer and two other board members appointed by the President, shall review the financial records of the organization.  This review shall include reconciling the most recent bank statement with the treasurer’s records and treasurer’s report.  The findings of the financial review shall be reported to the Board at the next meeting immediately following the review.

4.  Upon the election of a new treasurer, upon request of a majority of the Board, or at least once every five years, a review of the financial records of the organization shall be conducted by an outside third party with an appropriate level of financial expertise, certifying that the treasurer’s report and bank statements are reconciled.  This review could entail an official audit of the records. The findings of the financial review shall be reported to the Board at the next meeting immediately following the review.



1.  The fiscal year shall be September 1st through August 31st.



1.  A majority of the voting Board membership shall be present to constitute a quorum.



1.  A recommendation for dissolution shall be made to the total membership by at least a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Board.  Opportunity to vote on the recommendation must be offered to all voting members of the Corporation via mail-in ballot through publication in the Providers Exchange.  The recommendation must be approved by three-fourths (3/4) vote of those voting on the issue.

2.  Thirty (30) days written notice must be given to the membership if the Corporation dissolves, all monies left in the Treasure must be used to satisfy debts.  Any remaining monies must be split equally between formal affiliate associations. 



1.  Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority of the Corporation.



1.  The Chairman of the Bylaws Committee may originate recommendations for specific revision of, or addition to the Bylaws. Members may submit suggestions or requests for amendments to the Bylaws Committee for consideration. 

2.  Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed, or new bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds (67%) vote of the Board of Directors at any meeting at which a quorum is present and prior to which a copy of the proposed amendment has been included in the notice of the meeting.  Any amendment, repeal or alteration of the bylaws so made by the Board of Directors shall be effective until the next regular or special meeting of the membership, at which a quorum is present, and if not approved by a majority vote of the membership present, shall lapse and thereafter be inoperative and of no effect.

3.  Bylaws may be suspended, exempted or waived by two thirds (2/3) vote of the full Board.  Such action shall be reported to the full membership in writing in the next issue of The Providers Exchange newsletter.


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