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 Provider of the Year


1. Committee chair will secure a committee to include 2-4 judges willing to serve. Judges on this committee are not eligible for the award.

2. A "Call for Nominations" for Provider of the Year will be submitted by committee chair and given to editor by August 20th to printed in the September newsletter along with the deadline. Make sure it is also on our website and our Facebook page.

3. Mail or e-mail self-assessment forms to all nominees, allowing adequate time (suggested at least 6-8 weeks) for the provider to complete assessment and return all requested information. Set a goal to have at least 3 nominees.

4. Give the judges the submitted packets and have them score them. The judges will judge providers solely on the information submitted. Judges may not judge any nominees they personally know.

5. Bring the nominees’ notebooks and scored judges’ sheets to the March meeting for the board to vote on. All nominees will be called within two days, thanked for participating and their hard work, and notified if they were the winner.

6. The selected provider will be asked to prepare a short (l-2 minute) speech to deliver at the annual child care conference, when the award is presented.

7. Submit a short article for the newsletter following the conference about the Provider of the Year award.

8. Submit bills to CCPC treasurer for postage, copies of letters, the cost of plaque, and gift for the Provider of the Year and certificates for runners-up. Request a budget and have the board vote on amount no later than the March meeting.

9. Keep a notebook or computer memory drive to pass on to the next Provider of the Year chair.

10. Prepare a bulletin board to be displayed at the annual conference





Board Meeting 

Webpage - Call for POY Nominations/Nomination Form

Have president email all members about Call for POY Nomination

Social Media - Call for POY Nominations



20th - Newsletter article due - Call For POY Nominations

Social Media - Call for POY Nominations



Board Meeting 

1st - Deadline for Nomination 

Mail out self-assessment forms after board meeting 





Board Meeting 

Secure POY judges for board approval at meeting 



Deadline for nominee notebook



Board Meeting

POY selected at meeting, notify her and the other nominees right after the meeting



5th - order POY plaques/corsage and prepare certificates for all nominees

Prepare display board for conference 

Reserve POY hotel room 


Mini Meeting before conference

Mini Meeting after conference for evaluations

Present POY with corsage before conference

Present plaque/certificates during award bnaquet 

20th - Newsletter article - POY winner



Announce POY on Facebook and webpage

Inform membership secretary that POY gets 1 year free membership 

Submit final receipt to treasurer 



Retreat Board Meeting 





20th - Newsletter article due - Call for POY nominations


2022 Updated POY Guidelines
2022 Updated POY Family Letter
2022 Updated POY Training Record
2022 Updated POY Scoring Grid
2022 Updated POY Notebook Guideline
2022 Updated POY Call For Judges
2022 Updated POY Scoring Rubric
POY 2022 Updated Self Assessment Sheet
2022 Updated POY Congratulations Letter
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