Vendors Chair
Duties and Timeline
Create a list of profit and non-profit businesses to contact
Use CCPC approved emails, applications and graphics to recruit profit & non-profit business. All approved information can be found on website.
Send out a call for vendors through email, social media and web page
Follow up with requests in a timely manner
Send a confirmation email to all paid applications
Create a list of paid vendors with contact information
Provide conference chair with a complete list of vendors.
Create a vendor report for retreat
Board Meeting
Share a list of vendors to contact from past events
Send out a call for vendors through email, social media and web page
Member Email - Call for Vendors
Board Meeting
Share list of paid vendors at board meeting - follow up with vendors
Newsletter - Call for Vendors
Share list of paid vendors with conference chair - follow up with vendors
15th - Deadline for Vendor Payment - will guarantee name in programs
Share list of paid vendors at board meeting - follow up with vendors
Share list of paid vendors with conference chair - follow up with vendors
Create a scavenger hunt for attendees that can be included in registration packets.
Give final report on vendors attending event.
Have scavenger hunt ready to be added to registration packets.
Send out schedule and layout to vendors. This will be given to you by the conference chair.
A week before event check in with vendors to see if they have any questions
Create a sign with Business & Name for each table - will be placed on tables for set up.
Day of event give vendors thank you for participating gift along with evaluation
Collect evaluations at the end of the event
Create a report for retreat - Names/Contacts/Money Collected/Evaluations
Share report at retreat