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Event & Conference Chair

Conference Coordinator’s Duties

1. To secure a location and serve as the connecting link between the CCPC board and the conference site.

2. Make a final decision with board approval.

3. If the coordinator has questions, they are encouraged to email or verbally contact other CCPC board members for their opinion.

4. The coordinator should start searching for a location 18-24 months before conference.

5. Finalize the conference site by January the preceding calendar year and announce at annual conference. Obtain a contract from the venue for the president to sign.

6. Follow the written CCPC conference guidelines and timelines as much as possible, realizing each conference site is unique.

7.  The coordinator shall be available continuously and visit with the conference committee every month to assist planning.

8. Coordinator must visit the conference site at least once prior to the board voting on having conference at that location and before signing a contract. 

9. Continuously oversee the conference financial budget.

10. Set a clear time line with due dates for each conference committee. Keep the board informed.

11. The coordinator shall give an update at each CCPC Board meeting.

12. The CCPC coordinator expenses will be reimbursed from the CCPC conference budget. Expenses would include copies, postage, and mileage. A reimbursement form or receipts with explanation on it, will be turned in to treasurer within 60 days.

13. Conference Coordinator will appoint the conference committee members.

14. Have the Conference History Notebook available or computer memory device, upon request.

15. Submit conference articles to the newsletter before newsletter deadlines.

16. Keep notebook or computer memory device to pass on to the next conference coordinator.







Newsletter - Call For Presenters 

Walk Through with Hotel

Social Media/Web - Call for Presenters 

Board Meeting

  • Keynote contract 

  • Event Menu 

  • Number of Vendor Tables Available



Check in with all committees



Newsletter - Keynote Information

Board Meeting 

  • Workshops & Presenters 



Check in with all committees



Newsletter - Workshop & Presenter Information/Early Bird Registration

Early Bird Registration Opens 

Facebook Event - Early Bird Registration

Board Meeting 




Begin working on program



Newsletter - Talk up conference!

Board Meeting 

  • Program/Banquet Program Approved




Mini Meeting before conference 

Mini Meeting after conference for evaluations 



Confirm all thank you letters have been sent 



Retreat Board Meeting 

Planning for next years conference/form committees 

Hotel Contract - Dates 

Discuss Keynote Options 



Confirm Conference Keynote

Social Media/Web Page - Save the Date!



Social Media - Call For Presenters 

Email from president to members - Call For Presenters 




  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
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