1. Secure child care related information using non copy written materials or with permission to print.
2. Request articles from members, board members, provider-owned organizations or other child care advocates. Provide a link to the website for current board updates.
3. Keep current on child care issues by subscriptions, attending CCPC, Inc. board meetings/activities and CCPC conference.
4. Become familiar with the Bylaws, Policies and job descriptions and their time-line for items to be included in the newsletter.
5. Information for each newsletter is due on the 20th of each month (February, April, June, August, October and December). It is helpful if you make a calendar that lists what each board member needs to get to you. Remind them if they haven’t given it to you.
6. A copy should be proofed by the president or by a person approved by the president.
7. Make sure CCPC website address and Facebook link is included in every newsletter.
8. Send it out to all members (get current membership list from membership secretary) on the first day of Jan, March, May, July, Sept, and Nov.
9. Make sure Constant Contact is paid on time. Shut it off every other month if that is CCPC’s current policy.
10. Keep detailed account of each expense and submit to treasurer on a CCPC reimbursement form, or noted on receipts, or other documentation, within 60 days of expense. Request a vote of board members when Constant Contact bill is due.
12. Expenses can include copies/prep work, computer supplies to cover CCPC usage, postage, rubber bands, tape, etc.
13. Please give a minimum of six months’ notice to the president when terminating your editors position, and train new person.
14. Keep a notebook and or computer memory drive of all information to pass on to the next newsletter Editor.
Board Meeting
Publish Newsletter on our before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary
Board Meeting
Publish Newsletter on or before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary
Board Meeting
Publish Newsletter on or before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary
Board Meeting
Publish Newsletter on or before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary
Mini Meeting before conference
Mini Meeting after conference
Publish Newsletter on or before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary
Publish Newsletter on or before the 1st
15th - Send reminder to board members about articles
Request list from membership secretary